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Molly Is One Month Old

Dear Molly,

You are now one month old and what a month it has been. It’s crazy to think that a whole month has gone by since you were born. It feels like it was only yesterday that you dad and I were in the hospital watching Christmas movies and waiting for me to be induced. The feeling of anticipation and excitement, and now you’re a month old! It has just flown by but we can’t imagine our lives without you.

We have loved every second of getting to know you.

You may be small, but my god you are mighty.

Everyday you never fail to amaze us in one way or another.



Your monthly updates:


You were 7lbs 2oz when you were born, yet only the “Tiny Baby” clothes would fit you even though they apparently suit babies up to 6lbs?! Any other size just drowned you. You are at this moment in time, too big for the tiny baby clothing. You are wearing all of your Newborn sized clothes as well as a few of the smaller 0-3 month sized items. I’m finally able to dress you in cute dresses and little tiny jeggings with pretty tops. It’s crazy how fast you are growing!



We are super lucky (touch wood) that you are a healthy baby, and we are forever grateful for this. You are so strong. You can lift up your head and hold it for quite some time. When having tummy time, you can almost push yourself up with your arms. You have a bit of colic, where you sometimes struggle with your gas, but since starting you on Gripe water, you have been passing wind more easily and you dont get as uncomfortable. We are also lucky in the fact that you dont spit up when burped. Although, the one time you did throw up after a feed was because you had hiccups, and it was all down your dads back. Good Girl 🙂




Well, where do I start with feeding. You love your food. When I was pregnant with you, I had my heart set on breastfeeding. I had this vision of it being easy, and breastfeeding you for as long as possible, and then expressing. Alas, you had other ideas. You were not interested in the slightest. You had a terrible latch. you would latch, then get a little lazy and either unlatch, or sleep. Sometimes you didn’t even latch, you just screamed and screamed. We had a lactation/breastfeeding specialist come visit us at home the day after we came out of hospital. She spent 2 hours with us. trying different positions, nipple shields, everything. You were having none of it. Giving you your first bottle broke my heart. I honestly felt like I had failed you and failed you as a mother. But, We instantly saw a massive difference in your behavior. You settled, you slept, you were content and most of all, you were full and at the end of the day, that’s all that mattered. You currently drink about 4-5oz of milk around every 3-4 hours. Sometimes you go longer without eating, sometimes you will start asking again after an hour, and only manage another oz before passing out completely milk drunk! We feed you Aptimal hungry baby. We give you the powder 99.9% of the time. If we are going out for the whole day, we will get some of the pre-made stuff.



When you wake up at night, its either because you want food, or you need changing. We try to feed you around 11pm-midninght. You then tend to wake around 4am, and then again at 7am. However, sometimes you have a bit of a bad night and wake every hour or so, and won’t settle unless you’re being held.  Many nights I have co-slept with you, because all you want is contact. During the day you are now awake more. You still have your naps, but they are only for an hour or so.


  • Holding your head up for long periods of time.
  • Finding your lungs. Slightest sign of hunger and the world is ending!
  • Becoming more alert. You are starting to look around more and focus more on things for a longer period of time.
  • having your Newborn photo shoot and being an absolute rock star the entire time!

Things you like:

  • All the food.
  • Cuddles. You are your most content when being held.
  • Car rides. They send you off to sleep.
  • Music. Any type of music instantly calms you. You just lay there. The louder the better. Disney, Musicals, You are currently very fond of The Greatest Showman soundtrack.
  • You love the swing Nanny wiggles got you. Especially on the faster setting!
  • Bath time. You love a good bubble bath!
  • MyHummy. Your MyHummy white noise toy – Best.Purchase.Ever.
  • Being in your sling.



Happy One Month Bug.

Mummy and Daddy love you to the moon and back.



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