Dear Molly,
It’s been 2 months with you in our lives and we have loved every second of it. The love and happiness you have brought to us is just indescribable. The bond we have grows stronger each day, and I find myself just wanting to snuggle you all the time. We love watching you grow and develop and discover your own little personality, but its happening far to quickly!
Your monthly updates:
At your 6 week check up you weighed a very impressive 10lbs 5oz, you were 56cm long and had a head circumference of 37cm ( All in the 50th centile for your age) You have grown into so many of you actual 0-3 month clothes, although, some are still a little big – It depends which shop they are from! You tend to only wear baby grows at bedtime now, unless you and I are having a lazy day where we both wear our jammies all day! Sadly, 90% of the things you wore as a newborn are now well and truly too small for you. Some of those things you only wore once or twice! We are keeping hold of all your clothes though, just in case you have a little sister in the future.
Health & Development:
You are going to hate me for this, but you still suffer with Colic.. the inability to pass gas! You get so sassy and upset, so we do leg exercises with you, as well as tummy massages. You have Gripe water with your feed, and you have anti colic bottles, It has gotten a lot better compared to early on. You can hold your head up for a crazy amount of time now. You look at things for a longer period of time now, You hold yourself very well and sometimes sit up on my lap and watch the Winter Olympics ( your favorite is the figure cant stop watching it). You turn your head towards sounds, if we are to call your name, you look at us!! You are well and truly socially smiling, and cooing, and just having full on chats! Its adorable and I love it..even at 3am! You had a few visits to A&E this month, due to spiking a fever of 39.8, being all congested and acquiring a full body rash. Due to some of the rash not fading when pressed, you had your first set of blood tests just in case it was anything nasty like Meningitis! I have to say, you were so brave! The Nurse had a magic glucose solution, so when she put the needle in, you made a noise and mummy quickly gave you the sugar water – You didn’t cry one bit. Super proud mummy and daddy! You had a chest x-ray as well as nasal suction to try and remove some of the mucus, and also so it could be tested for infection. You had lots and lots of Daddy cuddles at the hospital. Turns out you had a upper respiratory infection and we were told it should clear up on its own in a few days, to give you Calpol for your temp and to keep an eye on the rash, temp and your breathing. Thankfully a few days and a lot of snuggles later, rash was gone, temp was back to normal and you were back to being your happy smiling self!
Quite possibly your favorite thing to do! You have just gone from 5oz to 6oz (which is correct for your age) every 3-4 hours. Most babies give off hunger cues..not you. Nope. You scream bloody murder! Its like 0-100 in 0.2 seconds! As I said above, you’ve been suffering worth bad Colic for a while now, so you have special anti-colic bottles. You have 5ml gripe water with each feed, and we try our best to feed you as upright as possible. All of this seems to be helping you a lot!!
I’m blessed and extremely grateful that you are a good sleeper! you started to sleep through the night at around 4/5 weeks. Then you became ill and woke almost every hour or 2, sometimes just for a bit of a cuddle! Since getting better, you are now sleeping from around 9pm-5am, have a feed and then sleep 6am-9am. then you’re up for the day and I’ll get you dressed! You’ll be awake and alert until around 10.30/11am, then you’ll go down for a nap until 1pm. Wake, have a feed and activity time, then down for another nap at 2.30. Then wake at 4, eat and activity until 6. Cat nap until 7, then its bath time. We try to have a very active bath time, playing, singing songs, splashing – You love it! But it also knackers you out!! We then smother you in lavender body lotion and you have a relaxing full body massage, and then into your jim jams and swaddle bag. Then you will have your last feed around before heading to bed at 9pm. We try to place you into your crib awake, with your MyHummy white noise machine and 9 times out of 10 you go to sleep, no problem. Sometimes if everything is too much, you fall asleep feeding!
- Holding your head up for longer periods of time…Like a really long time!
- Finding your voice – Cooing, copying sounds made to you, chatting away. “A-goo,gee,ahh,oo” All the cute sounds!
- Becoming more alert. You are aware of noises around you, and you’ll turn your head towards sounds.
- You have started to shift you weight forward when feeding, like your trying to sit up on your own!
- You’re beginning to touch a feel toys in front of you, especially during tummy time.
- You discovered your hands!!
- Socially smiling – All the time 🙂
- Pushing down on your feet – When we hold you up, its almost like you are wanting to stand already!
- Going swimming for the first time!!
Things you like:
- All the milk.
- Cuddles. You are your most content when being held.
- Car rides. They send you off to sleep straight away
- Music. Any type of music instantly calms you. You just lay there. The louder the better. Disney, Musicals, You are currently very fond of The Greatest Showman soundtrack.
- You love the swing Nanny wiggles got you. Especially on the faster setting!
- Bath time. You love a good bubble bath and have started to kick your feet and splash!
- MyHummy. Your MyHummy white noise toy – Best.Purchase.Ever.
- Being in your sling.
- You are slowly beginning to enjoy tummy time more.
- You like it when mummy and daddy have chats with you.
- Daddy’s voice – you are such a daddy’s girl!
- Having chats with objects such a ceiling lights!!
- Having your tummy tickled!
- Swimming – my little water baby!
Things you don’t like:
- Being interrupted mid feed for winding.
- Waiting for bottle to be made/warmed up!
- Being taken out of the bath!
- Molly Mols
- Molly Moo
- Bug ( I call you this all the time)
- Beanie
Favorite photos from this month:

Mummy and Daddy love you to the moon and back Bug.