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Molly Is Three Months Old

Dear Molly,

well, are you really three months already? Time is flying by so quickly. 3 whole months since you arrived on this earth, my baby. And now look at you! Your Dad and I are trying very hard not to simply go through the motions and to actually enjoy these infant days with you because you’re growing and changing so much! You are always smiling, cooing or concentrating on observing this big old world. You continue to bring us so much joy and our love for you grows every single day.

Your monthly updates:

Personality: You’ve turned into a little person, with a personality that is yours. Your personality shines through more and more each day as I watch you grow, learning and discovering every moment that you can. You’re full of sass and so independent. You want to be able to do things that at your age, you just can’t do yet. But you’re determined and so Mummy and Daddy let you push down on your legs into your feet whilst we hold you as you try and find the strength that you will one day use to stand on your own. You constantly fight to sit up and you hate tummy time and laying down. You have to be sitting up so you can see everything that is going on around you.

Five words I’d use to describe your personality are:
  • Independent
  • Content
  • Clever
  • Determined
  • Sociable


At 10 weeks you weighed 11lbs 7 1/2oz.  Your head circumference is 38.4cm. You have gone down to just under the 50th centile for your weight and head circumference. You are 61cm long and are bang in the 50th centile for your height. Doctors said you’re perfect – and I couldn’t agree more! This brakes my heart to say,but you are now wearing your 3-6 month baby grows and jeans because 0-3 just aren’t big enough anymore! Please stop growing so quickly!!


Health & Development:

You * touch wood * have grown out of your colic! You seem to be dealing with your gases a lot better these days. Because you were poorly, and then we got stuck in Somerset, your 8 week jabs turned into 11 week jabs. You were so brave! Don’t get me wrong, you screamed bloody murder, and you made Nanny P cry as she was there, but once it was over, and you had mummy cuddles, you fell right to sleep. The next day you were not a happy bunny. You had a temp which is normal after having your jabs, and all you wanted to do was be close to me and your dad. So we scrapped all plans for the day and had a family sofa duvet day with loads of cuddles. You are still incredibly wheezy, so the Dr prescribed you with an inhaler and it seems to be doing the trick! Your breathing has improved dramatically!! Fingers crossed its just a case of baby asthma and you’ll grow out of it in time. Mummy and Daddy also think you have started teething. You’ve become a super dribbler, you’ve suddenly got very rosie cheeks and you stick your fist in your mouth even after a 7oz bottle. Mummy and daddy may have taught you to blow raspberries…and now its all you want to do…and you find it hilarious!

Grown ups are boring!


You are now on 7oz every 3-4 hours. We still use the special anti-colic bottles and you still have 5ml gripe water with each feed. You eat sitting up because you hate laying down. Fingers crossed we are over the worst of the colic! I got some baby rice that we can start introducing into your diet in the next month or so. I’m so excited to start introducing new foods to you and watching your reaction!


I’m blessed and extremely grateful that you are still a good sleeper! bed between 6pm-8pm and awake between 6am-8am. You dont wake at all during the night anymore. I thank all the sleep gods!! You have however become extremely wriggly in your sleep. Several times you’ve moved and suddenly got your head right up against the side of the crib ( this is why i will never use cot bumpers!) and I have to slide you back. You just sleep through it!

Mummy Cuddles.


  • Holding your head up for longer periods of time…Like a really long time!
  • Finding your voice – Cooing, copying sounds made to you, chatting away. “A-goo,gee,ahh,oo” All the cute sounds!
  • Becoming more alert. You are aware of noises around you, and you’ll turn your head towards sounds.
  • You have started to shift you weight forward when feeding, like your trying to sit up on your own!
  • You’re beginning to touch a feel toys in front of you, especially during tummy time.
  • You discovered your hands!!
  • Socially smiling – All the time 🙂
  • Pushing down on your feet – When we hold you up, its almost like you are wanting to stand already!
  • Going swimming for the first time!!
  • Blowing raspberries
  • Giggling
  • You like to try and stand up with Mummy or Daddy holding you.
  • you found your hands!!
Being Cheeky

Things you like:

  • All the milk.
  • Cuddles. You are your most content when being held.
  • Car rides. They send you off to sleep straight away
  • Music. Any type of music instantly calms you. You just lay there. The louder the better. Disney, Musicals, You are currently very fond of The Greatest Showman soundtrack.
  • You love the swing Nanny wiggles got you. Especially on the faster setting!
  • Bath time. You love a good bubble bath and have started to kick your feet and splash!
  • MyHummy. Your MyHummy white noise toy – Best.Purchase.Ever.
  • Being in your sling.
  • Sitting up so you can see everything!
  • You like it when mummy and daddy have chats with you.
  • Daddy’s voice – you are such a daddy’s girl!
  • Having chats with objects such a ceiling lights!!
  • Having your tummy tickled!
  • Swimming – my little water baby!
  • Blowing raspberries
  • Watching the TV – You love Disney ( Thank god!) and you have a serious thing for Mr Tumble!
  • Chewing your hand…all the time!

Things you don’t like:

  • Being interrupted mid feed for winding.
  • Waiting for bottle to be made/warmed up!
  • Being taken out of the bath!
  • Tummy time
  • Being laid down


  • Molly Mols
  • Molly Moo
  • Bug ( I call you this all the time)
  • Beanie

Favorite photos from this month:

Sleeping Beauty
Costa Coffee dates

Mummy and Daddy love you to the moon and back Bug.





  1. Sue
    March 21, 2018 / 1:22 pm

    Omg Charlotte u have just read all your blogs. Made me cry!!! Such a beautiful read all of them especially ‘what to teach my daughter. Some read true for me and it heart melting. U are an nspirational woman, mother, daughter, partner, sister your life has been blessed. So looking forward to reading all your blogs such a privilege. Love you. Xxx

    • charlottemillar91@gmail.com
      March 25, 2018 / 9:07 am

      Aww thank you. Your kind words mean so much xx

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