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Molly Is Nine Months Old

Molly 9 months old

Dear Molly,

9 months old. 3/4 of a year. 75% of your first year of life has already come and gone and I just can’t believe it. What was life before you little one? You are looking less and less like a baby with each passing day. It’s a bit of a nice feeling to think you were in my belly for the same amount of time. We woke up today and I don’t know why, maybe it was just in my subconscious, but you seemed bigger. Older.

Molly at 9 months old

Your monthly updates:


The older you get, the more your little personality shines through. You are such a happy, go with the flow baby, but you certainly know what you want and you make sure you lets us know! You are EVER SO cheeky and you copy a lot of what we do now, and its so cute. I was blowing on your food the other day, and you started to blow on your hand. Followed by cheering and clapping as if you were praising yourself for a job well done!!

Five words I’d use to describe your personality are:
  • Loud
  • Loving
  • Playful
  • Clever
  • Sociable

Molly 9 months old


You keep getting longer! You are now in 9-12 clothes with a few of your 6-9  month tops/jumpers still fitting you. I have now switched your wardrobe out, so all your summer stuff has gone into storage, and the Autumn/Winter stuff is out! I love dressing you for Autumn. There are so many cute things for girls recently! You are still in size 4 pull ups!!

Health & Development:

You are well and truly on the move! Just after you turned 8 months old, you learnt how to crawl. We can’t put you down anymore without you shooting off somewhere you’re not supposed to! You are cruising along furniture as well which is just terrifying! I’m waiting for the day you just let go of the sofa and start toddling around the place!  We have had to lower your cot because you decided you like to pull yourself up to standing and dangle over the side. Danger baby.

You have started to really enjoy copying. Copying everything we do and it’s too cute! You have started saying ‘No’ as well by shaking your head. You give kisses, point at EVERYTHING, accompanied by a grunt as if to say “look”. I may or may not do the whole E.T phone home with you. You play peek-a-boo and do freaking jazz hands!! You help with getting dressed/undressed. We use a lot of touch cues with you and have done since you were born. Tapping your arm to put it in a sleeve and you do ‘big stretch’. I tap your head and say “head” and you lean your head forward so I can put your top on. You’re so clever and amaze us everyday!

Nanny and Grandad Pearson got you a toy phone. One of the cutest things you have started to do, is holding the phone to you ear every time someone says “hello”. Even if you dont have the phone on you, you still put your hand on your ear as if you did!


You eat 3 meals a day with a bottle just before each meal. Then you have a bottle before bed. You have some serious addiction with broccoli at the moment. No lie. You LOVE broccoli.

Molly 9 months old


You are still sleeping through the night. You have a nap in the morning and one in the afternoon. They tend to last anywhere between 30 mins to a few hours, depending on how knackered you are!

Simply Together Blog


  • Standing up on your own if leaning/holding on something
  • Taking a few steps when holding onto a grown-ups hand or furniture
  • You point at everything and anything.
  • You now have 8 teeth!
  • Helping with getting dressed/undressed
  • Imitating Adults
  • You do this sniff thing which is so funny!
  • Playing peek-a-boo
  • You are close to using a spoon by yourself
  • Learning how to crawl.
  • Learning how to do Jazz hands and say “no”.

Molly 9 months old

Things you like:

  • All the food.
  • Frozen fruit
  • Car rides. You sleep on long rides.
  • Music. The louder the better. Disney, Musicals, You are still very fond of The Greatest Showman soundtrack. Clapping and dance and make happy noises!
  • You love animals. You will reach out your arms to try and touch them!
  • Bath time. A good’ol bubble bath is the best and you will sit and play for ages in the water.
  • You like it when mummy and daddy have chats with you.
  • You like The Trolls Movie, Hey Duggee, Something Special & anything Disney!
  • Clapping, waving, high fives, giving kisses and cuddles.
  • Attempting to escape any position you are being held in.
  • You have a few toys you love – Bunny, Lamby and Owl.
  • You love to water the garden with Grandad P.
  • Reading books.
  • Crawling around everywhere
  • Pointing and making sounds at everything

Things you don’t like:

  • Having food taken away from you
  • Mummy or Daddy leaving the room.
  • Being taken out of the bath!
  • Not being allowed to eat the remote control
  • Being laid down when not ready to nap/sleep
  • When you shimmy your way under your play pen and cant get out again!
  • When you get told ‘No’.
  • The inability to use a spoon!

Molly 9 months old


  • Molly Molls
  • Molly Moo
  • Bug ( I call you this all the time)
  • Beanie

Favorite photos from this month:

Mummy and Daddy love you to the moon and back Bug.



Simply Together BlogLook how much you have changed in just 9 months!


1 Comment

  1. September 30, 2018 / 1:51 am

    Ahhh that last picture is so ADORABLE!!! As always, I love reading these monthly milestone posts xx

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