Whether you’re a first time mama or a mama with experience, you know that what’s in your changing bag is the holy grail to a successful day out. Changing bags contain everything under the sun, and anything that you could ever think to need for your smalls. You would like to think that as time goes on the load gets lighter (literally speaking) but the truth is, the contents of your bag just slowly adjust.
The greatest way to mum like a boss, is to be prepared. You never know what your little person will throw your way. However, you also don’t want your arms falling off from a heavy bag. Pack to be prepared, but don’t pack for the apocalypse. Changing bags will give you a bad back or aching shoulders well before your time, and what mama wants that!?
When we made the switch to cloth It took me a few months to find my balance of what I did and and didn’t need. After a few trial and error outings, I’ve decided to share with you which items I feel are needed to pack the perfect changing bag, and how to use cloth nappies on the go. It’s not that scary, I promise.
So obviously the need for a changing bag is number one. Not necessarily an essential item, but for obvious reasons, you need to choose a good bag to start with. Now, any changing bag will do. There’s no real need to splurge, BUT I would recommend investing in your changing bag. We used to have a over the shoulder changing bag for the first year of Molly’s life. But it just got too much for our shoulders.
One of my favorites is the backpack style changing bag. As Molly got older, I’m began to love the backpack style. It’s so much easier to be hands free, and not have to worry about my bag falling from my shoulders while I’m holding her hand or chasing after her!
There’s so much space and pockets for keeping everything organised.
There are many reasons why I love this bag so much. It is deceivingly large. It has many pockets and compartments so everything can have a place. Organisation is key! In the front there is a large pocket that has 3 insulated sections. You can either use it to keep things cooler in the summer, or connect it to a portable charger and heat bottles up & keep them warm.
The changing bag also has a port where if you connect a portable charger on the inside, you can charge your phone from the outside. This is a godsend when you’re out for the day and your phones running low.
Most of the changing bags today come with a matching changing pad. If not, you can always invest in one for a decent price. Changing pads are great for public changing;s, and containing a mess. I use the detachable changing pad that came with my changing bag, and I also have a Skip Hop portable changing pad from our previous changing bag that’s incredibly useful for on the go.
A wet bag is essential for a cloth nappy mama on the move. A mum using disposables would just throw the nappies away, or opt for nappy sacks. But, because your cloth nappies have to return home with you, you need to make sure to have a spare wet bag to put them in. I like to bring two (When I remember) one for soiled nappies/wipes and a bag for any clothes that need washing. I use the Damero bags that I got off Amazon and I love them. The smallest ones for my reusable wipes!
The essential oils are optional. I like to carry around the Lemon one to add into the dirty nappy wet bag. It just helps eliminate any bad smells that may be around!
Of course nappies are on the changing bag essentials list. With cloth nappies, they take up a bit more space in the changing bag, so I normally pack 4-6 nappies all ready and stuffed, liners included. They fit nicely into the main compartment of the changing bag.
We use the Bambino Mio and the Littles and Bloomz nappies at the moment. Although I am IN LOVE with the nappies from Littles and bloomz. They seem to be fitting Molly better and we are having no leaks day or night!
The liners I made myself. I got a £3 fleece blanket from ASDA and then drew around an insert. Cut them all out, ran them through the wash and boom! Homemade reusable liners! I have to give credit to Gee from Gee Gardner here as she suggested it to me when I started my cloth journey!
Where there are nappies, there are wipes. I use cheeky wipes for nappy changes, and then I have flannels for hands and face. Thus keeping them separate. The nappy wipes I tend to keep in a box with a lid. In the box is a solution of water, coconut oil and essential oil. If i’m going out, I will pop however many of the moistened wipes I need into the bag and be on my way.
For obvious reasons a change of clothes is ALWAYS necessary to keep handy in your changing bag. Kids are just messy! They can’t help it. They spill things, they drool, they pee, they poop and they explore! A change of clothes quite frankly is an inevitable need. I normally pack extra 2 outfits, a spare jumper and a spare pair of shoes.
I always make sure to keep a little bag full of these items. This is where I always feel extra prepared for the unthinkable. I keep things like:
Waitrose Bum Butter
Hand Sanitizer
Sunscreen (Seasonal)
Hair bands & brush for Molly
Snacks, kids cup, and bottled water (in my Klean Kanteen ) has come in handy on several occasions. If breastfeeding, it’s important to stay hydrated, if you’re formula feeding, water could come in handy for mixing bottles, and I’ve also had bottled water come in handy for sticky clean ups while we’re out and about. Invest in a reusable water bottle to save your pockets and the planet.Molly doesn’t have bottles anymore, so I fill her cup with water before we leave the house and then refill from mine as and when.
Lastly, always always always keep at least a toy or two handy. You never know when your child might need some extra entertaining. I try to bring things along like a book (Molly’s favorite) and a colouring book with pencils so she can colour.
What do you always carry in your changing bag?