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My Second Pregnancy Questions and Answers!

A while ago I asked my Instagram followers if there were any pregnancy questions that they wanted to ask me. It was quite fun reading through them and picking out ones to use on this post. There were a few duplicates, but I have tried to answer as many pregnancy questions as possible.

How long did it take to get pregnant?

I have always been quite blessed when it comes to falling pregnant. It never takes me long, it’s just holding on to them my body struggles with. This time took one cycle to fall pregnant with this baby. Exactly the same amount of time it took us to conceive Molly. I had to take baby Aspirin and insert a progesterone pessary every day once pregnancy was confirmed to help avoid further miscarriages.

When did you find out you were pregnant?

I found out I was pregnant in August 2019. Not long before our trip to Centre Parcs and to visit Caitlin & Co! Her and Brad knew about the pregnancy for obvious reasons (in case anything happened whilst we were staying with them). We hadn’t told anyone else at this point!

How did you tell your family?

There wasn’t any big fancy reveal with this baby to family. Just because of previous loses, I was very conscious about making a big fuss, get everyone excited to then loose another baby. We sent close immediate family photos of the 6 weeks scan we had done. It was 12 weeks until we told other family members. This was the photo that we used as our birth announcement.

Was this baby planned?

Yes! 100% Yes! Both our little ones have been planned. Even the ones we’ve lost were planned.

Do you regret not finding out the gender?

Liam and I have had this conversation regularly this pregnancy. Part of us thinks that finding out the sex of the baby would have made things a lot easier preparation and name wise. But then again it wouldn’t of been as fun..it’s quite exciting not knowing!

Any cravings or aversions?

I had some serious need for orange juice. Fresh, smooth orange juice. No real food aversions. I had really bad morning sickness for the first 20 weeks this time round, so I didn’t really want any food – does that count as an aversion?

Has it been as difficult as your last pregnancy?

Oh yes. Well and truly. I had really bad morning sickness again this time, only it lasted longer, up to 20 weeks. In the first 12 weeks I had several bleeds which required several scans. I had 7 weeks of normality before I started having contractions and preterm labour scares. Pregnancy has never been easy for me, which is why this will probably be our last baby.

How does Molly act towards your bump?

Molly is honestly amazing. So kind and caring. She will give the baby kisses, and rub it constantly, talking away. Recently she has started to want to read baby books, she will show my bump the pages and point out different things. She also has a doctors set that she uses on the bump as well. I honestly can’t wait for her to meet the baby.

Favourite places to get maternity clothes?

I got my leggings from Peacocks and they are SO comfy! Jojo Maman Bebe sent me some bits. A jumper a Dress and a pair of dungarees. All are beautifully made and high quality. The dungarees are bloody amazing! They are soft, they are comfy and super stretchy. Other than those bits, I haven’t really gotten any maternity clothing. I am awful and always buy clothes that are a million sizes to big for me, so my normal tops and jumpers fit me fine still.

Do you have a birth plan?

Funny question to be honest. I did have a rough plan of how I wanted my birth to go. I wanted a water birth with gas and air, hypno-birthing. That was it. That was the extent of my birthing plan. However, because of Covid-19, my hospital aren’t doing water births or midwife led birthing units. So, All I know is that I still want to do my hypno-birthing and use only gas and air if needed.

Thank you to everyone who sent in pregnancy questions and who’s been super supportive throughout this pregnancy. We really appreciate all the love and can’t wait to meet our new arrival.

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