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Evelyn Is One Month Old

Dear Evelyn,

You are one month old. One whole month of you. I can’t believe that you are one month old already. It has been an interesting first month of life to say the least. You were born in the middle of a global pandemic. So you are yet to meet anyone other than who we live with, you are yet to be registered as an actual person because all the registry places are closed. You have never been anywhere other than back and forth from the hospital. We want to take you to baby classes, and see family. You are doing amazing, and we are already so proud of how far you’ve come in just a short 4 weeks.

Your One Month update:


You were 6lb 2oz when you were born. Tiny baby clothing was way to bog for you, and to be honest, it still is now! You are getting long though, so we think you will be tall like your sister! You are gaining weight nicely and are now weighing 7lbs 2oz. The first week of life you lost a bit and went under 6lbs, but you have well and truly made up for that!! We are yet to dress you in super cute outfit as 1. they don’t fit you and 2. you get cold really easily and you really don’t like it! So you live in your onesies – but they are cute so it’s ok! You are also wearing cloth nappies. We like the Close Pop In ones and the Alva baby newborn nappies. both work amazingly well for us and we love them!


The first few weeks of your life were spent back and forth from the hospital as you were slightly jaundiced. We had to go in every day for almost a week, getting your blood tested, hoping your jaundice levels would rise. With a lot of boobie feeds and sunbathing in the conservatory, we were fully discharged when you were 3 weeks old! You then started to come out in a rash. It started on your face and we just put it own to baby acne. You then started to really struggle with burping and gas. We put it down to colic and gave you Infacol. It turns out that you have a cows milk protein allergy. I followed my gut feeling and made a phone consultation with the Dr, who sent us for blood tests. You have now been put onto a hypoallergenic formula in a hope that it will start to make you feel a little better. Other than those things, you are a thriving and healthy little one.


Our feeding journey is an interesting one. We breastfeed, pump/express and we give you formula. We do a little bit of everything and it is working for us. As I said above, you are currently on a special formula to try and make you a little more comfortable. You currently drink about 4-5oz of milk around every 3-4 hours. Sometimes you go longer without eating, sometimes you will start asking again after an hour, and only manage a few moments on the boob before passing out completely milk drunk!


You have your last feed around 10/11pm. Then you wake at around 3am and then again at 7am. We have had a few interesting nights, due to the possibly cows milk protein allergy, and we have co-slept. You settle a lot better when you are right next to me. You are becoming more and more awake during the day now, and will nap for a few hours at a time.


  • You can hold your head up amazingly well
  • Successfully breastfeeding – we managed to get you to latch!
  • Being discharged from the hospital
  • You have a decent set of lungs on you
  • Becoming more alert. You are starting to look around more and focus more on things for a longer period of time.

Things you like:

Being held – you love a cuddle

You love being in your swing

You have a pink knitted octopus that you love!

Molly reading to you – it makes you smile

You really love being in the sling/carrier

Music. You will always settle if there is music on

Happy One Month Evie Pops

Mummy and Daddy love you to the moon and back.



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