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0-3 Month Favourites – 2nd Baby Must Haves

(This post features press samples* – see disclaimer)

I can’t quite believe that I am already at the point of being able to write my 0-3 favourites. Where has my tiny newborn gone? How is she 4 months old already? This time round things have been similar in many ways but incredibly different at the same time. I have loved our journey so far and there have most definitely been a few favourite items or 2 – definitely some 2nd baby must haves! Some are the same as when I had Molly, because they are just that good!

X Noise Machine*

X noise is a magical, magical sound that will sooth your tiny human off to the land of nod. I say X noise because there are many different types of noise. White, pink, brown..the list goes on!  With Molly we had the MyHummy white noise machine. We still have it and use it at night because after 60 minutes the sound automatically fades out but, it has a Sleep Sensor and it resumes humming if the baby starts to stir or if there is an increase in the background noise. MyHummy can also be used in non-stop mode for up to 12 hours.

We were then sent the Snuz cloud to try and we LOVE it. So does Evelyn. The Snuz cloud is a pink noise machine and has a range of different sounds. It can either play a heartbeat sound, pink noise, a lullaby or a soothing waterfall noise. It has a soft, fabric strap so you can attach it to the Moses basket/crib, the cot, car seat or pram. Basically you can conveniently attach it to anything you need to attach it to! The Snuz cloud also has 2 light settings on it. There is a soft red/pink light that is perfect for keeping a eye on little ones during the night, and there is also a brighter white light which will make the perfect night light when Evelyn is a little older. Evelyn loves to snuggle this on a regular basis – I don’t blame her either because its THE softest thing ever!

Baby Carrier*

We love to baby wear. I have all kinds of wraps and carriers. Until Evelyn, i use to use the cuddle bug wrap. Now, I love using the Dream Genii snuggleroo sling and the IMZI Carrier. both are really easy to use and super comfy! Liam on the other hand prefers the Babybjorn carrier because it fits him better apparently, and to him it feels more secure.

Either way, Evelyn loves to be worn, so we are forever walking around, doing jobs about the house whilst carrying a snoozing babe on our front! One of the best 2nd baby must haves.


Moses Basket

This is something I honestly wasn’t intending to use full time. I was apprehensive about buying a mosses basket to begin with. We didn’t use one for Molly so I didn’t see the point in having one if I’m honest, and never saw it becoming one of our 2nd baby must haves. However, we currently live with Liam’s parents and they have a dog so we wanted somewhere safe to put Evelyn when downstairs.

Fast forward 4 months and the Moses basket is now in the bedroom full time. Evelyn loves it. She would sleep in the crib we had for Molly. Plus, the crib took up SO much space in our already cramped bedroom ( all 4 of us are in 1 room) and the Moses basket can easily be folder up during the day to make more space! Why did we not get one before?!

We went with one from Amazon. Relatively cheap, really well made and evidently comfy because Evelyn sleeps from 7pm-8am in it every night!

Mokee Pod*

This has to be one of the most amazing items I have been sent to try. It is a sleep pod for babies. With the Mokee pod, your baby can sleep next to you in bed. It is apparently, also safe for use in cots and can be used over night, not just for naps.

Comfort and quality of sleep is incredibly important for the newborn. The rounded pod creates a cosy environment which allows your baby to sleep next to you in your bed and at the same time feel secure. It does not have to be used only during naps. It is an excellent addition to the cot when transitioning baby from your bed or as a crib reducer. Of course, it fits perfectly inside every MoKee cot.

We use the downstairs now instead of the Moses basket. Evelyn takes her naps in it and if we have a rough night, and end up downstairs to try and not wake the other up, she sleeps in this over night. We also use it for nappy changes as well as floor time as we put her wooden play gym over the top. It is extremely well made, super soft, the covers all come off for easy clean! It is slightly longer and wider than the sleepyhead, so hopefully will last that little bit longer!


Breastfeeding Molly was non-existent. It didn’t happen. Pumping didn’t happen either because I has a super crappy manual pump that seemed to cause cramp in my arm instead of extract breastmilk. When Medela got in touch and said they wanted to send over one of their pumps, I couldn’t have been more excited!!

I took the pump to hospital with me and started to use it the day Evelyn was born to try and help my milk come in. Once it did – Whoa!

Evelyn has trouble matching, just like Molly did. We discovered that I have flat nipples which is why they had trouble. We did a combination of breastfeeding, pumping and then formula on top. The first few days I was lucky enough to be getting 5-6oz of milk a session. The pump is really easy to set up, use and then dismantle and wash.

Although we mainly formula feed, I still pump regularly and Evelyn still latches directly every now and then. But she really does get on better with the bottle.

Dream Genii Pillow*

What I didn’t realise, is that the feeding pillow I got second hand when pregnant with Molly is actually a Dream Genii Pillow!! We LOVE the feeding pillow. Is fantastic for allowing Molly to safely hold Evelyn, and read her books ( its also the cutest things to watch). It also incredibly comfy when needing that extra bit of support when feeding!

The new Genii Pillow, well….This beauty was amazing for two things! First off, during pregnancy this pillow was a god send into make my nights a little more comfortable. You set it up and lay on it, it’s got a short pillow for back support and then the long pillow of bump and leg support. Super comfy and a must for any mama to be struggling with sleep!

Secondly, this pillow doubles up as a feeding pillow! Lay it across your lap and you’ve the ultimate support when feeding. Such a wonderful product that can be used through pregnancy and then after birth!!

Greco Swing

We had a circus one that we got second hand with Molly and loved it! We kept it for Evelyn and used it for about 3 days. Molly then decided to sit in it and broke it completely.

We looked for another second hand one, but with corona at its peak, nobody was selling. So we got a new Greco swing from Amazon! Safe to say it’s been used every single day and will be used every day until she’s too big for it!


Swaddles are a wonderful thing. We were lucky that both girls love to be swaddled – so, a 1st and 2nd baby must have! We primarily use the Love to dream swaddle. The one we use we got second hand when having Molly, and it’s held up really really well!

I love this swaddle because they can have their arms up by their face. Evelyn is very much a snuggler. She has to snuggle into something to be able to go to sleep, so with the Love to dream, she is able to snuggle into her hands!

Wooden Play Gym

When I fell pregnant with Evelyn, I knew I wanted to get a wooden play gym. There are so many out there. We got a wooden one from Amazon for about £20 along with wooden hanging bits for £25. Evelyn loves them! She grabs the hanging toys, smacks them with quite some force these days!

We were then sent a wooden play gym by The Little Green Sheep Company. Their wooden gyms are beautifully made, and come with hanging toys that attaches with Velcro. Meaning you can chop and change what you want to hang. We use this one primarily now and sent our other one over to Caitylis for her little boy Zach to use!

Some of the items above were firm favourites when we had Molly as well, so it’s been interesting to see what we have and haven’t used the second time round!

Did your 0-3 month favourites change with your second/third baby?

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